Monday, September 30, 2013

Cloud Control?

This morning we hit on a possible idea--after lots of rejected brainstorming--for our humanoid's special abilities... perhaps this species lives in the clouds and has some sort of influence on the weather... and maybe there are good and bad groups that conflict and cause interesting weather phenomenon...

A New Humanoid Species

The other day, we decided that our creature will be some sort of human-like thing and that it will be a species--not just one being (i.e., it won't be a one-of-a-kind superhero). Now, coming up with a humanoid creature that is totally new... that's a bit of a challenge. So many have been done already... Oh, we also thought that perhaps this humanoid species has some sort of animal companion (also a new creature), so we may end up with two new creatures that come out of this process.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?

We decided it would be based on animal, because it is easier to relate to animal-based creatures. Next question: What is the base animal? Is it mammal, reptile, aquatic, avian, or some sort of bug?

Is it based on something in the real world?
